Roman Grant
Jan 12, 2021

Collaborating with a new colleague? Spending the time to get to know a each other before jumping straight into the work will help set the groundwork for a healthy and productive working relationship. Answer these questions to build a healthy and productive working relationship.

Collaboration Tips 🎥

- What motivates you to be your best? And what type of work puts you in the zone?
Communication Style
- What is your preferred form of communication? And what are your non-negotiables? Never assume that the method you prefer is the best or only way.
Pet Peeves
- What are some of your work related pet peeves? This is an easy way to embrace a spirit of openness and candor.
- How do you like to receive constructive feedback? It’s common for people to feel defensive when they believe their work is being criticized unfairly.

Check out the Podcast Version 🎙
Roman Grant

Product Manager | Facilitator | Former Nurse | Army Vet | Always Forward!